Transform your Health.
Become the Fittest.
The most nutrient dense protein powder crafted from grass-fed beef protein and 7 beef organs. ZERO added sugar.
🚀 Powerful Energy
🌿 Muscle Protein Synthesis
⚡ Robust Immune Function
🌟 Mental Clarity & Mood
The Fittest Difference
Putting Back in What the Modern World Left Out
Todays Modern Problem
Today's world of processed junk food, added sugars, seed oils, and low nutrient dense diets has left us weak, malnourished, and unequipped to live the long, vibrant lives we are capable of
The Animal Based Solution
We have abandoned the ways which led us to become the most successful species on the planet. This includes eating they entire animal, prioritizing daily movement and sunshine, and creating space for proper sleep and recovery
Grass Fed Beef Protein Powder
Animal-based ingredients like beef protein, liver, heart, and kidney, are some of the most nutrient dense ingredients on earth. Lean protein, vitamins, mineral, cofactors, enzymes, and essential fats for complete nourishment.