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By signing up you agree to become The Fittest version of you.

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smart work pays off
The Fittest's certified coach designed a highly efficient workout program that you can begin to use today completely free.

Click Here to Meet Our Coach

Meet Coach Marco Coppola
Marco is the mastermind behind all of The Fittest Workout Programs. He has personally designed and tested all the routines.
His credentials are as follows:
Bachelor Degree in Exercise Sport Science
Former 4 Year NCAA College Football Player
Former Professional Athlete in The GRID League
2 - Time CrossFit Games Athlete
7 - Time Regionals/Semi-finals Athlete
Certified CrossFit Level 1 Coach
Certified CrossFit Mobility
Certified CrossFit Weightlifting Level 1 & 2
Certified CrossFit Gymnastics
Certified CrossFit Aerobic Capacity
Former USA Weightlifting Certification Instructor
"Olympic" Weightlifting multiple-time medalist in American Open & Nationals
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By signing up you agree to become The Fittest version of you.

HUMANS used to be the fittest
You are reading this today only because our ancestors evolved to become the fittest mammalian predator.
How could they do it? The answer is clear:

The Three Foundations
Move the way we were meant to:
compete, lift heavy shit, exert strong physical effort, run, swim, climb, jump, throw, drag, be fit.
Do one, or do them all, just move.
Heal the way we were meant to:
Eat a nose-to-tail diet, avoid processed foods, get grass-fed and grass-finished products,
eat local, support your farmers, drink plenty of water.
If you do this, you’ll heal
from the inside out.
Enjoy the sun over your head and the earth beneath your feet, sleep with the stars
and rise with the sun,
don’t sit on your phone,
love your family and friends
None of these are negotiable, do them all!

Got Questions? We Have Answers:
What is nose-to-tail?
It’s the way our species have been eating since we can be called humans: the full animal, horns to hooves, internal organs and muscle meat, fat, the whole animal.
Is it effective?
The Fittest proudly owns over 800,000 years of testing with a successful result. This is real nourishment, you can try it right now, and find out yourself.
How can I eat nose-to-tail?
You can eat fresh organs and bone marrow as a part of your daily diet, or you can stack up with our products, they’re the closest thing to the real grass-fed organs.